It said to download the app when i already have is downloaded?. I clicked on the edit mode for thumbnails and it said to verify my account so I put in my password and clicked on it again. I was so excited too! I went on to it and signed in to my account. So I originally got this app to improve my thumbnails. But when the app gets fixed I fully recommend this app! Reason is because I didn’t download the app again to see if the app was glitching or if it was something wrong with my phone. This is a great app for inserting your thumbnails! So everyone please be careful when using this app. I don’t know if ANYONE will see this developer, fix this! If this does get fixed I will 💯 percent get the app again. When I go to put in my verification and do the whole mess of trying to get it verified.I go back and.LOOKY THERE! IT SAYS IT NEEDS TO BE VERIFIED AGAIN! Now I know you have probably herd this complaint over and over and over again but, if that many people tell you you need to fix the same problem and or bug, you probably need to fix it. And that was that anytime I went to put it on a video I would have to verify that my channel exists.

But it still has limits I’ll admit, but there is one problem that I had with the app.the add custom image. Millions of developers do that, so why don’t you? Anyway, I still think this app is amazing. Ok, before I go on a limb here and say a bunch of things that you probably don’t want to hear again, fix all of your bugs as your making your app out in the public. As I said in the title that you may or may not see, I have a problem.